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Miso Workshop
In our Miso workshop, you will learn the importance of incorporating probiotic foods into your diet and how it helps the ecosystem in your digestive system.
In this workshop you’ll learn about "Koji," the superfood that is a major component in miso and other staple Japanese foods, such as soy sauce and rice vinegar.
We will personally show you how to make organic miso (1.5 lb) that you wil take home and ferment for several months to a year at home. The first step is to soak and cook the organic beans. Since this is a simple but lengthy process, we will prepare this for you in advance and explain how we did it. We will also show you the steps to make miso soup the traditional Japanese way!
You will have the opportunity to taste many different ages and types of Miso. At the end of the class, we will serve miso soup with Hakouya’s homemade miso.
Join us to learn about and experience the healthy traditional Japanese use of miso in the diet!
* Currently our workshop is suspended since Covid-19 pandemic. We will announce you when we resume in the future.
Thank you!